Riona Kelly

Riona fell in love with books at an early age, devouring the Oz series over one summer vacation. The fantasy aspect unleashed her imagination, which led to a lifelong love of science fiction and fantasy. But also in that foundation were suspense romance, historical fiction, and thriller novels. All of these influenced her own writing, so she writes in several genres. Riona Kelly happens to be the nom de plume for her suspense romance and cozy mysteries. The latter is a new genre that she’s just started exploring as a writer, but loves to read.

Although she’s been writing since she was about ten, she didn’t publish until 2015, when Bitter Vintage was released. She has also published Echoes of the Past and Signature of a Soul.

A statuesque Texan, Riona moseyed away at 21, moving to North Hollywood, California. Yep, that’s the San Fernando Valley where she apartment hopped a few times before migrating to Nevada. Eventually, she ended up in Reno, and it appears to be the sticking place. Besides writing, she loves movies, music, painting and drawing, and travel.

She is published through Pynhavyn Press.